Men’s Aid Ireland is made up of a Board of Directors who give their expertise and time free of charge in a voluntary capacity. The voluntary Board maintains oversight and guides the strategic direction of the organisation. We have a suite of policies in line with which the organisation operates and also in line with the policies which govern the operating practices of not-for-profit organisations in the charity sector. These policies are regularly updated to keep in line with any changes in regulation within the charities sector and all of them can be viewed upon request. These policies meet with the standards set by the Charity Regulator in Ireland.
Men’s Aid Ireland is an independent not-for-profit organisation that provides essential support services to men, their children and families affected by domestic abuse and violence.
Our Registered Charity Number (RCN) is 20039479, our CHY number is 13025 and our CRO number is 489263. We are a company limited by guarantee without share capital.
As an organisation:
- We are accountable to our clients to respect their individual experiences, provide effective supports and work towards achieving the best outcomes possible.
- We are accountable to the public and our funders for the monies we receive and how these funds are spent.
- We are accountable to our partners to work together to produce the best outcomes possible for the men and families we support.
- We are committed to Safeguard all people we support and treating everyone with dignity and respect – View Safeguarding Charter
We adhere to a number of regulatory frameworks as well as voluntary codes which we work within to further promote transparency and accountability within the organisation.
The following are some of Men’s Aid’s legal and regulatory compliance obligations:
General Governance:
Men’s Aid benchmarks itself against the voluntary Governance Code – a Code Of Practice of Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable organisations in Ireland.
Specifically in relation to children:
- Children’s First Act 2015
- Children First National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2011)
- Child protection procedures and legislation
- National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children (HIQA)
- Data Protection Procedures and Legislation
Specifically in relation to employment:
- Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2007
- Employment Legislation
