Domestic violence remains alarmingly prevalent across Ireland. Reviewing the demand on our service at the mid-year point gives invaluable insights to help inform how we need to adapt, expand and respond to support all victims, in our case men, their children and families.
Mid-Year Demand & Response January to June 2022
An increase of 36% year on year
- 2021 = 3,449 contacts (Jan to Jun)
- 2022 = 4,703 contacts,
- 774 missed calls 2022
Jan to June 2022
- 50 nationalities supported
- A sample from 153 Face to Face appointments shows 98% female on male abuse
- 59% emotional abuse disclosed
- 41% physical abuse
- 21% coercive control
- 14% psychological abuse
- 9% economic abuse
- 1% sexual abuse
What is very evident is the growing demand on our team. In 2020 we supported 5,500 contacts, in 2021 we supported 8,000 contacts and we expect to support 10,000 in 2022. (2020 to 2022 = 82%+)
The global pandemic highlighted the fear, dangerousness, and the impact on mental health for the thousands of men across Ireland subjected to Domestic Violence/ Coercive Control.
Public campaigns that are inclusive have helped give confidence and encouragement to male victims to come forward for support safety and given that 1 in 7 victims are male, this is a trend we can only envisage will continue to increase.
“Men’s Aid will continue to adapt to the needs of the victim, our ethos is victim focus with a human rights approach, grounded by equality, inclusion and safety. We respond to high risk and complex cases, walking the victim’s journey with them every single day, because behind these numbers are people, our family, our friends and work colleagues, members of our community. To do this we urgently need more funding so we can extend our team and plan our strategy in line with the Zero Tolerance National Strategy and I look forward to resolving the funding issue asap with our funders”. Kathrina Bentley, CEO, Men’s Aid.