Last Thursday morning we stood outside a court house supporting a dad who have been subjected to years of physical abuse & coercive control. Documented pattern, scars & children who deserve a better childhood & mother. Thankfully the judge listened to his experience and horrific stories of abuse she subjected him and their children to over many years. Our client secured an Interim Barring Order against his wife thus ensuring dad and children’s safety. The order was followed through and the mum was removed from the home that evening. Our thanks to our partners in this difficult situation, the Gardai, Tusla, social workers and court clerks who added incredible help and support.
We hope this message reaches men across Ireland and encourages them to contact us and make the first step to a happy life, free from threat and fear. Everyone deserves to be safe. It truly was a landmark day for our men in Ireland. We urge men, dads, brothers & sons to get in touch with us. We’re here to help you.